
Anki Cozmo, is an AI toy robot with a big brain and even bigger personality. Cozmo works great as an educational toy because it is adaptable to a wide variety of capabilities throughout the K-12 CS journey.


Cozmo runs off wi-fi direct. Like regular wi-fi and bluetooth, this means that it uses radio waves to communicate. Both bluetooth (the technology you see in speakers and wearable fitness devices) and wi-fi direct connect two devices directly without using the internet, but wi-fi direct is much faster.

You will need to connect your tablet to the internet to download the Cozmo app and to do the initial setup. After that, you will be connecting the tablet direct to Cozmo. Cozmo works with Android-based tablets, Amazon Fire tablets (which are also Android-based), and Apple/iOS tablets. There is a full list of supported devices here. The tablet running your Cozmo app also needs to periodically be re-connected to the internet (every 2-3 months) in order to update the app and renew the app’s license.

I recommend that you keep your Cozmo tethered to the same tablet once it is set up. For the programs that I work with which have a group of Cozmos, I numbered the bots with a Sharpie to match the same Cozmo-tablet pairs together for each use.

Please see this video for more information on setup:


The 10-Hour Program

This program is intended to be 10 sessions long, taught in 1-hour blocks – so 10 hours total. It was originally created for the BEST for Success Afterschool Program at the Eugene 4J School District, and is recommended for elementary school children in the 3rd-5th grade.